Huge, huge thanks to everyone who came along to our autumnal extended Saturday family session on Saturday November 5th.  It was wonderful to have so many of you here.
The rain stayed off which was great; we pressed loads of apples, made lots of popcorn on the fire, lots of soup was eaten, there was lots of exploring with sand, pine cones hammocks and more – and it was lovely seeing so many people chatting and enjoying being outside in the autumn air.
We only got a few pictures because we were so busy with fire, food and drinks and chatting with everyone who came along; it was a really lovely atmosphere.
The Saturday family sessions happen every week, you can drop in between 10.30 and 1.00, with extended sessions happening at various times of the year. We try and be outside whatever the weather, so come dressed for the season! We look forward to seeing you again soon.
The next extended session will be for a Wassail at the gardens on Saturday January 14th 2023.